Strong product and software business know-how at your disposal

Outsourced partner for operations

Using an external partner in your operations,  business development and customer co-operation is good and cost efficient solution, when:

  • your company needs only part time resource when starting new business or recruiting a full time person is not possible because of low work amount of recurring business
  • your company has business development phase or you need to cover absence of permanent worker for a fixed time period


  • Business management & development
  • Sales and customer co-operation
  • Production and operations control
  • Quality, environment and safety

Consultancy and business development services

Know-how and strong experience from business and operations development is good use for your business development initiatives.

You will get new ideas and sparring or additional resource to ensure and speed up progress of your development projects.

  • Production process
  • Operations control
  • Product management
  • Quality, environmental and safety systems
  • Renewing operative systems or improving utilization of them
  • Implementing Lean principles and development projects

Lean training

I co-operate with Management Institute of Finland to arrange Lean trainings. Click for more information about trainings.